




Taoxichuan Online Master Lecture

本期主題 / The current theme



Falguni Bhatt:

「Terracotta - In Indian Culture, Tradition & Mythology」

講座時間 / Lecture date

3月10日(星期三),北京時間 20:00

Wed, 20:00 (BST), Mar 10

講座語言 / Language


English, Chinese (Consecutive Interpretation)

參與方式 / Participation

The lecture is free and open to public。

Scan the QR code to listen

2021年陶溪川·景德鎮國際工作室以線上方式重啟藝術講座。本期講座邀請到來自印度的雕塑家、陶藝家和裝置藝術家,聯合國教科文組織陶藝委員學會會員,同時也是印度陶藝基金會和加爾各達“Afsa Fired Art”聯合創始人Falguni Bhatt於3月10日晚上8點,在陶溪川國際雲講座平臺帶來主題為《印度文化、傳統、神學中的赤陶文明》(Terracotta - In Indian Culture, Tradition & Mythology)的講座。


Taoxichuan·Jingdezhen International Studio relaunch the artist lecture series with online platform at 2021。 The studio is very pleased to invite India sculptor, ceramist, installation artist, Falguni Bhatt, she is the member of AIC - IAC International Academy Of Ceramics, the founder member of  ICAF - Indian Ceramic Art Foundation& “Afsa Fired Art” Kolkata, The titled of this week‘s lecture is “Terracotta - In Indian Culture, Tradition & Mythology”。The lecture will be held on Wednesday, March 10, at Taoxichuan International Education Program —— Master Online Lecture。

In this presentation, Falguni will introduce the long history of pottery making in India。 She would like to show the daily notations a number of potter families in mythological and ritualistic importance in their everyday life。 She will show terracotta practices of different region of India which has own unique style which are still not very known to the world。

關於嘉賓 About:


法爾古尼·巴特 Falguni Bhatt

雕塑家、陶藝家、裝置藝術家、IAC會員,印度陶藝基金會,加爾各達Afsa Fired Art聯合創始人

Falguni Bhatt來自印度古吉拉特邦巴羅達市,現在以雕塑家、陶藝家和裝置藝術家的身份生活在加爾各答。Falguni的藝術語言圍繞著解構刻板的創作思路和呈現方式,在作品中強調並反映個體與身邊環境以及精神力強烈的關係。

Falguni Bhatt, a Sculptor, ceramist and installation artist is hailed from Baroda, Gujrat。 Falguni’s art is all about deconstructing stereotypes of thought and practice reflecting an intense and deeply sensitive relationship with her surroundings as well as her state of mind at any given point in time。

Falguni有著大大小小海內外個展的經歷,曾獲印度雕塑獎(IAFACS award),印度國家獎學金和印度文化部青年藝術家獎。她活躍於印度藝術圈,在國際藝術節活動中,在邁哈爾Art Ichol中心策劃一些藝術駐地專案。此外,她曾在匈牙利凱奇凱梅特國際陶藝中心駐地,2019年在陶溪川·景德鎮國際工作室進行駐地創作,並舉辦了個人展覽。

Falguni同時也是聯合國教科文組織陶藝委員學會的會員之一,同時也是印度陶藝基金會和加爾各達Afsa Fired Art的聯合創始人。

Credited with a number of distinguished solo shows at home and abroad。 She has received Awards,among them the IAFACS award, All India mini sculpture award, national scholarship and junior fellowship from ministry of culture, India, have curated Several International Ceramic Residencies at Art Ichol Maihar, at Rann of Kutch under Global Art Festival Event。 Participated in many Residency programs, among them Jingdezhen International Studio, Solo Show at Taoxichuan Art Avenue MUsuem 2019。 International Ceramic Studio kecskemet, Hungary。

Falguni‘s art is all about deconstructing stereotypes of thought and practice reflecting an intense and deeply sensitive relationship with her surroundings as well as her state of mind at any given point in time。

She is a member of AIC-IAC International Academy Of Ceramics ,Founder member of ICAF - Indian Ceramic Art Foundation & “Afsa Fired Art” Kolkata。


Title : Space & Elements , size : 12” diameter , Stoneware Ceramics


As a Sculpture graduate, clay found me in my very first year at college, and Completed Masters degree in Ceramic Sculpture from Baroda in 1999。 It’s been over 2 decades since then and I believe I was very fortunate to have found my passion so early on。 Years of working with clay has been a wonderful journey with various milestones。 Shows, residencies, collaborations, curatorial projects and student interactions have all been opportunities to express myself through ceramics。


Title : Space & Elements II , size : 16”x14”x4”, porcelain


My work has been rooted in the coexistence of the old and the new; the conflict of leaving behind the familiar while stepping into unknown territories。 Exploring that quiet space between comfort and discomfort and constantly trying to strike a balance。


Title : “In Limbo”, size : Multidimensional , Mixed Media with Clay


Space and Elements Series, Smokefired, stoneware, 2017

在創作中 Falguni 不會在材料與媒介方面給自己受限,從而觀者不會從她的作品中感受到來自造型或者技法層面的約束。她的作品呈現是對她身邊創作環境的反應和詮釋,每一件作品都記錄著分秒流逝的瞬間。

My art is a reflection of my training。 I have never felt bound by any one medium, and as a result I have no boundaries of form and technique。 My art is my reaction to my space and surroundings, each piece mirrors a certain moment of my existence。


“Terracotta Warriors” Ayyanar, State - Tamilnadu


“Mansa Chali” - Snake Goddess, “Panchmura” State - West Bangal


I respond best to the theme of space, be it the open sky or, microcosmically, the inner spaces of my mind。 I enjoy the containment of two dimensional pieces, as well as the challenge of multidimensional forms。 Clay is my medium and I need look no further to be in touch with my inner core。 My works are often spontaneous, always intuitive, and very often a reaction to an architectural language or an organic form。


A Tale of city - Kolkata, Ceramic, wood, paper, 2012

傳統建築的造型,地質結構的參照和其中包含著情緒的片段,都是 Falguni 想要表達的視覺效果的核心。

I am particularly fascinated by architectural spaces geological references and imprints or fragments that contain within them a sense of nostalgia。 Memories and impressions are central to my thought process and the visuals I like to play with。



“Jor Bangla”, 1655


Intricate clay tiles on Terracotta Temples

然而在印度這片被聖河哺育的東方土地上,生長著數百萬的陶藝工作者,手工藝在幾代人中不斷延續傳承。Falguni 將發生在這片大地上的故事和日常,編織進她創作的語境裡。

India has more than one million potters, and their techniques have been passed down for generations。 Falguni Bhatt aims to express her feeling about this country through her artworks。 She combines the daily notations of many potter families in India, illuminating them with stories of the making, decorating their terracotta pieces, and mythological and ritualistic importance in their everyday life。




3月10日(星期三) 20:00不見不散