
【英語原著】哈利·波特與魔法石 (10)

Mr Dursley stood rooted to the spot。 He had been hugged by a complete stranger。 He also thought he had been called a Muggle, whatever that was。 He was rattled。 He hurried to his car and set off home, hoping he was imagining things, which he had never hoped before, because he didn’t approve of imagination。As he pulled into the driveway of number four, the first thing he saw –and it didn’t improve his mood –was the tabby cat he’d spotted that morning。 It was now sitting on his garden wall。 He was sure it was the same one; it had the same markings around its eyes。

Rowling, J。K。。 Harry Potter and the Philosopher‘s Stone 。 Bloomsbury。 Kindle Edition。

Knowledge Point

“Mr Dursley stood rooted to the spot。”⇒ rooted to the spotunable to move(因害怕或驚訝)呆住不動,呆若木雞。root的原意是“根”,在這裡形象的表現出站著“彷彿是生了根似的”。⇒ Mr Dursley呆呆的站著。

“He had been hugged by a complete stranger。”⇒ 嘗試翻譯:他被一個完全陌生的人抱過了。

“He also thought he had been called a Muggle, whatever that was。 He was rattled。”⇒ rattled [adjective]worried or nervous⇒ “whatever that was”在這裡接近“Anyway”,表示:“隨便啦;無所謂”⇒ 嘗試翻譯:他還覺得自己被稱為Muggle,隨便他們怎麼叫去吧。他的心亂了。

“He hurried to his car and set off home, hoping he was imagining things, which he had never hoped before, because he didn’t approve of imagination。”⇒ set off 出發⇒ 嘗試翻譯:他匆忙上車動身回家,腦袋裡希望他是在幻想,這可是他從前從不希望的,因為他壓根不贊成幻想。

“As he pulled into the driveway of number four, the first thing he saw –and it didn’t improve his mood –was the tabby cat he’d spotted that morning。”⇒ pull in/pull into somewhereIf a vehicle pulls in or pulls into somewhere, it moves in that direction and stops there。⇒ driveway 私人車道ashort private road that leads from a public road to a house or garage⇒ improve [verb] 改善to get better⇒ spot [verb]to see or notice someone or something, usually because you are looking hard⇒ 嘗試翻譯:當他把車開進4號的車道停下,第一眼看見的(當然它沒有改善他的心情)是他早上發現的那隻身著斑點的貓。

“It was now sitting on his garden wall。 He was sure it was the same one; it had the same markings around its eyes。”⇒ marking [noun]apattern on the body of an animal⇒ 嘗試翻譯:它現在正坐在他家的花園牆上。他確認(跟他早上看到的)是同一只貓;在她的眼睛周圍有著相同的斑點。