
- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應

- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應

- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應

- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應


- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應


- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應

- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應


- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應

9月19日,在Silicon Kure的空間中,Techno將作為引力拉扯訊號,交換每個節拍瞬間的感知錯覺。你亦可選擇被短暫規律的低音重力吸引,或是跟隨縹緲的旋律掙脫引力束縛,成為自由漂浮,或是凝結成珠的液體。

- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應


- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應

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Sam Lai受電⼦⾳樂影響多年的Sam Lai於8年前正式開始他的DJ⽣涯。因其出⾊的舞池情緒掌控⼒,相繼受邀到深圳各⼤銳舞派對演出,併成為他們的常駐DJ。Sam Lai保持謙虛的態度,不斷專研混⾳技術,他獨特的個⼈⻛格⽇益明朗,在南中國的地下⾳樂圈開始嶄露頭⻆,備受好評。如果你並不是⼀個狂熱的電⼦⾳樂愛好者,你也會跟隨著Sam Lai的節拍起舞:你能夠明顯地分辨出他正在臺上。Sam Lai作為深圳派對場景中不可或缺的⼀份⼦,參與了不少⼴受好 評的活動,例如Progressive ⼤師:Nick Warran, Dave Seaman, Techno巨星Rrose 在OIL Club的活動。以⾳樂為精神⻝糧的Sam Lai對選曲的態度就像廚師對⻝材⼀般講究, 深邃的情緒與律動的旋律糅合強有⼒的4/4拍,滿⾜每⼀個挑剔的舞客 的味蕾。在各種⾳樂⻛格之間⾃由轉換,個⼈⻛格凸顯其獨特的 Progressive架構。他以深⼊淺出的佈置為派對帶來⽐⾳樂本身更豐富的東⻄,彷彿是⼀場聽覺享受的完整的旅程。Sam Lai, who’s been deeply influenced by electronic dance music, started his DJ journey 8 years ago。 He had the experience of holding all kinds of outdoor rave parties in Shenzhen since 2011。 He continued to hone his mixing skills and built up his unique structure。 He earned a good reputation in the underground music scene of south China。 If you’re not an avid follower of dance music but are tuned into popular culture at all you’ve likely experienced music touched by the hands of Sam Lai。After he performance with Progressive House masters like: Dave Seaman, Nick Warren; Techno superstar Rrose at OIL Club, Sam is the name that you can not miss in Shenzhen underground scene。 Sam masters the skill of building up atmosphere for party people, he wants his audience to enjoy more than just music but also the whole ambience。

- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應

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Producer / DJ

Emi 是 VINYLHOUSE 唱片店的合夥人之一,2015年開始,她用音樂與各行各業去發生碰撞,並從中學習成長。她製作的音樂從深圳弘法寺到巴黎與深圳的時裝週;vivolab旗艦店與深足廣告片;到 ROARINGWILD 這三年的上海時裝週走秀現場……以 live set 形式參與荷蘭電臺 RED LIGHT RADIO 的錄製,2019年受邀去了柏林的 RBL 電臺與 KITCAT CLUB 演出,她最喜歡的音樂型別始終是Techno。

音樂可試聽於 https://soundcloud。com/chin_emi  或  網易雲音樂:陳笑

Emi is one of the partners of VINYLHOUSE record store。Since 2015, she has been using music to collide with various industries and learn and grow from them。She has produced music from Hongfa Temple in Shenzhen to fashion weeks in Paris and Shenzhen; vivolab flagship store。and the runway scene of ROARINGWILD these three years ……

Participating in the recording of RED LIGHT RADIO, a Dutch radio station, in the form of liveset,having been invited to perform at RBL radio in Berlin with KITCAT CLUB in 2019。Her favorite genre of music has always been techno。

Music auditioned at: https://soundcloud。com/chin_emi

- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應


W1AN is a Shenzhen-based visual artist。

- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應

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來⾃南⽅海濱城市深圳的⾳樂探索者,漫步於⾳樂的⾏星之間不斷髮現新的可能。在她作為⼀名DJ出現在臺上之前就已經做為俱樂部OIL、派對⼚牌Silicon Kure和TURMOIL以及FAR Radio的聯合主理⼈躬耕於深圳這⽚“⽂化沙漠”中。源⾃對英式跳舞⾳樂精巧多變節拍的熱愛,在Hyperdub⼚牌⽼板Kode 9的點撥下開始以英式跳舞⾳樂為基因,在“學習”新⾳樂的同時“補習”各類過去經典的⾳樂,紮根於深圳年輕多元的⾳樂場景讓跳舞的⾳樂迴歸跳舞的本質。 只⽤⼀句話或者若⼲個標籤來形容Yangyang的DJ Set顯然是做不到的,在⽆數次過激派對⾏為後鍛鍊的舞池感受⼒使得她能夠更加隨⼼所欲地掌控舞池,在思考在什麼樣的時間點播放什麼樣的⾳樂這個問題上有⾃⼰獨⼀⽆⼆的⻅解,相信冒險能帶來新鮮的可能性。

A music explorer from the southern coastal city of China, stroll through the planets of music and discover new possibilities。 Yangyang is co-founder of OIL Club, Silicon Kure, TURMOIL, and FAR Radio before become a DJ。 Her DJ philosophy is to let music return the essence of dancing, and believes adventuring into each new atmosphere delivers and release opportunity。

- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應

- Line Up -


Sam Lai

Emi-CX + W1AN

(A/V Live)


- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應

- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應


- Ticket -

預售 Advance - ¥80

普通票 On Door

(Before 00:00 前)- ¥100


Funky in Hood

- Line Up -







- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應


*Public holidays excepted*

- 深圳 - 9.19(週六)@OIL - Silicon Kure | 重力是物質對孤獨的反應

OIL 9月活動預告

OIL September Events Calendar

老油1號: 186 1715 0566

小油2號: 181 3843 5193