
- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止



- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

Poster by Tavi Lee





Not on sale merches will beon display

- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

與日本藝術家Yuki Oshiki合作的不發售款帽子

Collab caps with Japanese Artist Yuki Oshiki

- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止


End of the World Crystal Ball

還有未發售的鞋款 and a lot more...

shoes and a lot more。。。

- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止




- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

At 22:00 on November 19th, the first five people to the party will get the doll from Tomy above。


- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止


- Tomy

Provemewrong - Tomy 活躍於東京和上海,在自媒體時代,憑藉幻想的方式在社交媒體上得到了一票支持者,他的設計涵蓋了魔法玄學元素,傳達著“世界終止”的概念,呼籲大家珍惜當下。ins @__provemewrong__

Provemewrong-Tomy is active in Tokyo and Shanghai。 He gained a lot of supporters on social media。 His design includes magical metaphysics elements and conveys the concept of “the end of the world”, and calls everyone to cherish the present。 ins @__provemewrong__




5ive5ive/Chalky Wong/Fanvy/Arthurneverawakes/88lien/Crazy




CHARITY SsB [live]


Gao Qiao


Door: 120rmb


Half price door/drinks

before 10pm

- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

“Inspired by the sonic LOVE, fullfilled with the dancefloor HATE , the sound of a genome, on fire, mutating itself into goddesses。 ”



- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止



Miraisenshi aka未來戰士從2016年開始就涉足emo trap/bedroom pop領域。在2017年初自己發行EP“lonely night”不久後就受邀做客英國NTS廣播電臺釋出mix,並出現在早期Genome,Preme等派對組織的活動當中,在Thaiboy digital,Taha,Organ tapes,Yen Tech,LAO,Dinamarca等派對中的擔任嘉賓表現令人印象深刻,也與國內藝人像Bloodzboi,Vroskiii等開展合作,積極推廣自己所喜愛的情感類歌曲。其音樂形式富含大量的情感元素並不斷吸收前衛音樂理念產出極具個人特色的聲音。隨後發行的EP“null”,與Charity合作的單曲“漩渦”,在Genome Diminish合輯中貢獻的單曲等都廣受好評。


- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

Miraisenshi aka Future Warrior was in the emo trap/bedroom pop scene since 2016。 Shortly after releasing EP “lonely night” in early 2017, he was invited to British NTS radio to release mix, and appeared in early Genome, Preme and other parties。 He performed in Thaiboy digital, Taha, Organ tapes, Yen Tech, LAO, and Dinamarca。 He also done collabs with artists such as Bloodzboi and Vroskiii。 His music form is rich with a lot of emotional elements and constantly absorbs avant-garde concepts to form his unique style。 His EP “null”, the single “Vortex” co-produced with Charity, and the singles in Genome Diminish compilations were all well received。





- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

暗夜社群由88LIEN、FANVY、CHALKY WONG、5IVE5IVE、ARTHURNEVERAWAKES、CRAZY OMEGA六位成員組成他們是近年來中國嘻哈圈最具衝勁的新鮮力量也是新生代說唱青年的代表暗夜社群的作品總在一種張弛有度的迷幻氛圍中滲透出悠然自得的愜意神態粵語 國語 英語間的無縫銜接使得信手捏來的詼諧辭藻在保留自在屬性的同時又不乏獨特思考和明確態度。

- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

The Dark Night Community is consisted of six members: 88LIEN, FANVY, CHALKY WONG, 5IVE5IVE, ARTHURNEVERAWAKES, and CRAZY OMEGA。 They are the most aggressive and fresh force in the Chinese hip-hop in recent years, representative of the new generation of rap youth。 The seamless connection between Cantonese, Mandarin and English pokes fun while lauding freedom and provoking critial thinking and indiviual attitudes。


- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止



Billionhappy的音樂風格以emo/cloud/hyperpop為主,他的音樂一切以真實為創作基礎,希望透過歌詞與旋律去傳達自身的情緒和對當下身處環境的思考,用這種貼近溝通的音樂傳達方式來引起更多的共鳴。2019年6月釋出自己第一張EP《Memory Loading》,收到廣泛好評,專輯中的單曲“100%fullofluv”在地下引來一股love type熱潮,之後隨即在同年9月釋出了第二張mini EP《Trillionlife》,並且在今年5月20日釋出他最新的專輯《Virtual Wonderland》,該專輯合作了眾多來自世界各地的優秀製作人,並在Diminish shop進行24小時限時售賣實體專輯。

- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

他是中國cloud type的新生代領軍人物,他的作品尤其受00後熱愛,是最為先鋒的地下音樂場景中具有代表性的色彩,僅僅出道一年他就與Bloodz Boi,Miraisenshi聯合Genome 在上海杭州展開了聯合巡演,並且他在倫敦建立派對luvis,並且在廠牌派對上邀請了Organ Tapes,水原佑果,babyxd,925luke在倫敦同臺進行演出,並受到英國廠牌eastern margins的支援。

並且他即將釋出新EP“New Castle”,EP邀請了眾多製作人取樣了很多膾炙人口的華語流行音樂再由Billionhappy重新詮釋,透過不一樣的形式把華語流行音樂帶向另一個維度。

- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

Billionhappy’s music style is mainly emo/cloud/hyperpop。 He released the first EP “Memory Loading” in June 2019, which received wide acclaim。 He then released mini EP “Trillionlife” in September of the same year and his latest album “Virtual Wonderland” on May 20 this year。

He is a leading figure in the new generation of in China especially popular with Chinese Gen-z。 In just one year after his debut, he joined Genome and toured with Bloodz Boi and Miraisenshi in Shanghai and Hangzhou。 His party luvis in London has invited Organ Tapes, Yugo Suwon, babyxd, 925luke and was supported by the British label Eastern Margins。

He will release a new EP “New Castle” soon。 He invited many producers to sample and reinterpreted Chinese pop music, bringing Chinese pop music to another dimension。


- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

Charity SsB


說唱歌手兼音樂製作人的CHARITY SSB,在上海鋼筋水泥的叢林中出生併成長。在過去的幾年間,他作為說唱組合Vroskiii的一員,以及在本土影響力廠牌Genome 6。66 Mbp釋出作品,成為嘻哈音樂圈不得不提的名字之一。他擅長打破音樂種類的界限,創造出獨樹一幟的風格。與Young Queenz、Miraisenshi、Keith Ape等一眾藝人合作以及作為 ShyShine 身份登臺 DJ,更是讓他收穫了不少關注。

- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

CHARITY SSB, a rapper and music producer, was born and raised in the concrete jungle of Shanghai。 In the past few years, as a member of the rap group Vroskiii and releasing works on Genome 6。66 Mbp, CHARITY SSB has become one of the names that must be mentioned in the hip-hop circle。 He breaks the boundaries of genres, creating his unique style。 He collabed with artists such as Young Queenz, Miraisenshi, Keith Ape。 DJ identity is ShyShine。


- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

Gao Qiao

高橋-來自上海高橋的他是一名Techno dj/producer。 早期雖然以hiphop製作人的身份參與制作並且發行了較多說唱歌曲,但最終把精神投向了人聲更少/更容易跳舞的音樂方向。現在作為上海Potent Club的techno小廳駐場dj,每週在深受不同舞池能量薰陶的同時已經把自己的 DJ 水平發展到了另一種高度。

Gao Qiao-from Shanghai。 He is a Techno dj/producer。 Although he participated in the production as a hiphop producer and released more rap songs in the early days, he finally turned to less vocal/easier to dance direction。 Now as the resident DJ in the techno hall of Shanghai Potent Club, he has progressed to another level and is still evolving。


- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止


DJ BAADAAM是Pikai把滑板上的專注與視野延續到DJ臺上的代號。也是滬上少有兩樣都文武精通的實在大男孩。早期被Shelter的文化核心深深影響,在Genome和Do hits派對上初出茅廬備受好評之後,他隨即加入Gully Riddim團隊繼續傳播著最硬的Grime&Drill說唱和soulful的footwork&英式舞曲。現在具備日漸成熟理念的BAADAAM可以讓你輕易在他的現場感受到那股無可阻擋的熱情與能量。

DJ BAADAAM is Pikai bringing the same seriousness and visionariness in skateboarding to DJing。 He is also one of the few in Shanghai who is proficient in both。 He was deeply influenced by Shelter in the early days。 After appearing first in Genome and Do hits parties, he joined Gully Riddim and continued to play tough Grime & Drill, Soulful footwork & Uk Bass。 Now that BAADAAM is more mature, you can easily feel his unstoppable energy live in the club。


- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止



- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止


- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止


- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止


- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止

- 上海 - 11.19(週五)@ALL - Genome-PROVEMEWRONG 世界終止