


I will not complain about the unfair fate and the misfortune of life. I only know that what I want must be fought with all my life. Memory, really can make a person become neuropathy, the first second, or the corner of the mouth slightly raised, the next second, but wet the eyes, think too much and heavy feelings of the most vulnerable people, minutes of your abuse will never be recovered.


Meeting the wrong person brings not only fruitless feelings, but also sadness, sadness and even shadows to our hearts, which makes us lose confidence in love. If a haircut means a memory cut, can I lose my memory by cutting my hair bald?

三、看著他們走的時候,我的心是妒忌的。 我曾經也有過這樣的機會, 不知道為什麼, 卻放棄了。有時候,明明心如刀割,卻要燦爛的微笑。我以為我害怕的,是告別的時刻,原來,我同樣害怕重逢。沒有人陪你走一輩子,所以你要適應孤獨;沒有人會幫你一輩子,所以你要一直奮鬥。

My heart was jealous when I watched them go. I once had such an opportunity, and I didn't know why, but I gave it up. Sometimes, open-minded as a knife, but to a brilliant smile. I thought I was afraid of the moment of farewell. I was also afraid of reunion. No one will accompany you for a lifetime, so you have to adapt to loneliness; no one will help you for a lifetime, so you have to fight all the time.



There are many things because they don't want to bother others, so they bite their teeth and support the past. There are also a lot of difficult to mention the past by their own death. When I was frustrated during the low tide, I felt I couldn't pull myself together, and finally I didn't pull through. You see, we are stronger than we think.


Every dull day is worth respecting, and everyone around you should cherish. May you have stars in your eyes, breezes around you, and warm sunshine in your heart. There are more such examples in love. The old saying goes that love is easy and getting along with each other is not false. The simplicity of love is a matter of eyes. Maybe it's the look from the crowd that comes into your heart. Maybe it's the smiling face blown by the breeze that blows into your heart.


To succeed, we must wait for a long time without impatience, be calm but sensitive, not afraid of setbacks and full of hope. There is a person in the world who will always be waiting for you. Whenever and wherever you are, you know there will always be such a person.



When I saw the roadside lights and bright car lights shining, it seemed as if a glittering galaxy was spreading ahead. Such colorful lights reflect the life of wine and green, and I am one of the sparks, but I do not know where to go.

八、 無論你正遭遇著什麼,你都要從落魄中站起來重振旗鼓,要繼續保持熱忱,要繼續保持微笑,就像從未受傷過一樣。有人抱怨生活不公,卻從來不想著自我改變;有人努力了很久,但總是在最關鍵的時刻中途而止………沒有人生來就是王者。成長路上,不要總想著何處有亮光,你只管向前跑。記住,夢想不是空口無憑的大話,而是在寂靜的奮鬥裡努力生長的果實。

No matter what you're experiencing, you have to stand up from your downfall and get back on your feet. Keep your enthusiasm and smile as if you've never been hurt. Some people complain that life is unfair, but they never want to change themselves; some people work hard for a long time, but always stop at the most critical moment…… No one is born king. When you grow up, don't always think about where the light is, just run forward. Remember, dreams are not empty talk, but the fruit of hard work in silent struggle.


You are the only one in my world. So, the possessive desire of hegemony and capriciousness is for you, the humility of caution is for you, the eyes of fear are for you, and all tenderness is for you. I have traveled through the mountains, the mountains, the sea and the north. I have seen the stars all over the sky. I want you to have a good time, beautiful scenery and the rest of my life. You just need to understand that I am always there. I just need you to turn around and wish you a lifetime of love and care, such as sunshine, bright and not sad; like moonlight, bright and not clear, happy every day.



We are born alone, because we are an independent individual. Although we have connections with the outside world, there will always be moments that only you can understand. Even if life has a thousand reasons to make you cry, you have to find a reason to make yourself laugh. That's life.


Don't forget what you once owned. We should cherish what we can't get. Don't give up what belongs to you. What has been lost is left for memory. If the lonely person is willing to turn back, the anxious person is willing to wait, and the introverted person is willing to open his mouth, maybe this is what love really looks like.


You love me at first sight, I see you as always, the first meeting is you, the rest of my life is you. Clearly understand my heart, how many illusions, just an illusion, how many sad, just a sad, the story of the retrospect, the indifference of life, your world, I can not ask, my mood, you can not understand.



Please believe in yourself, accept and like yourself. Make yourself what you really like. If you want to do something that is not the way your elders control you, not the way society prescribes you, you must stand up for yourself bravely, gently overthrow the world, and then turn the world into ours.


I don't know who I like anymore. I close my eyes and it's all chaotic. I really like it, paid for it, suffered it, and finally found out that I don't know who it is for. I don't like anyone at all, but everyone likes it.


Life is about mood, life is about quality. If you can't be the master of your own mentality, you will become the slave of your emotions. Only by perfecting personality and self-encouragement, can we not be overwhelmed by the wind and rain, cold invasion. Happiness is the most important thing. Whoever makes you happy, you are with them. Whatever makes you unhappy, you leave him. Without conditions, we should leave him if conditions are created.



Those who clamor to leave will always pick up the glass fragments in the end with red eyes and bending down. Those who are really ready to leave will only pick up a sunny afternoon, wrap up a coat and go out at will, and never come back. Life always makes us all bruised, but believe that the suffering you suffer today, the loss you suffer, the responsibility you bear, the crime you bear, and endure. Pain, in the end, will become light, illuminate your way. & lt; br /& gt;


Live and live, you will understand, do not care too much, should put down, the release of the mind, always carrying troubles, tired of themselves. It's better to live happily than to live with a sad face. Not every step will be successful, not every time is amazing. Nobody is a diamond. How can it shine on every side?


Most of the contradictions between people come from overestimating their status in each other's heart. They regard strangers as acquaintances, acquaintances as friends, friends as relatives, lovers as lovers, and lovers as inappropriate people. It's a trivial matter to cross the border and make the other party uncomfortable. It's ourselves who are disappointed in the end. All the brilliant things in life need to be repaid with loneliness after all.



The flute is warm, and the peach blossoms are fragrant. The sunset is like a shadow, lovesick and drunk, and the pink Dai is soft and fragile. Xiaofeng's peach blossom branch, falling petals difficult to solve Fangxin. Dreaming with the fragrant soul, a shallow poem in melancholy words. Life should not be too full, life should not be designed too crowded, no matter what you do, you should leave some space for yourself, so that you can turn around calmly.

