
​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展


“Love and Peace” Exhibition of 50 Chinese and Foreign Calligraphers and Painters for Commemorating China‘s Legal Seat Restoration in the United Nations

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

值此新中國恢復聯合國合法席位50週年之期,“你好 聯合國 NIHAO UN”組織策劃舉辦“紀念中國恢復聯合國合法席位50週年'愛與和平'50位中外書畫家作品展”,邀請海內外50位華人書畫家,揮動中國文化神聖之筆——毛筆,創作以“友愛和平”為主題的書法和中國畫,表達對新中國恢復聯合國50週年紀念之情,讚頌新中國對世界和平與發展作出的重要貢獻。

At the time of the 50th anniversary of the restoration of new China’s legal seat in the United Nations, “NIHAO UN” organized and held the “Exhibition of 50 Chinese and Foreign Calligraphers and Painters‘ Works for Commemorating of the 50th Anniversary of China’s Legal Seat Restoration in the United Nations”, inviting 50 Chinese Calligraphers and painters at home and abroad to wave the sacred pen of Chinese culture, the brush-pen, to create calligraphy and Chinese paintings with the theme of “Love and Peace”, to express the feelings for the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the United Nations to new China and praise the important contribution of new China to world peace and development。

受邀參展的書畫家,涵蓋了全球五大洲國家和地區,包括中國內地書畫名家、中國港澳臺地區和世界多個國家華人書畫團體負責人,他們均在當今世界華人書畫界是顯赫有名的藝術人士,或知名的國際文藝活動家,為傳播中國文化而不遺餘力!The calligraphers and painters invited to the exhibition cover countries and regions from the Five continents in the world, including the famous calligraphers and painters in mainland China, the leaders of Chinese Calligraphers and painters groups in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and many other countries in the world。 They are prominent artists or well-known international literary and artistic activists in today‘s World Chinese Calligraphers and painters。 They dedicate all their effort to spread Chinese culture!

同時,聯合國教科文組織紐約協會、甘肅省聯合國教科文組織協會為本次活動給予大力支援。在此,對50位參展書畫家以及參與支援舉辦這次活動的團體單位表示鳴謝!Meanwhile, the New York Association of UNESCO and the Association of UNESCO in Gansu Province provide strong support to the event。 I hereby would like to express my thanks to the 50 painters and calligraphers participating in the exhibition and those organizations supporting the activity!

50位參展者(以姓氏筆畫為序):50 participants (in the order of surname strokes)

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

王學甫(中國) 草書 唐·常建《賽下曲四首·之一》Wang Xuefu , China, wrote “One of the Four Frontier Poems” by Chang Jian in Tang dynastyin cursive script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

方愛生(中國)楷書《王毅談中國恢復聯合國合法席位五十週年》節選Fang Aisheng, China, wrote “Wang Yi talks about the 50th Anniversary of China’s Legal Seat Restoration in the United Nations” in regular script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

孔令民(俄羅斯) 篆書《銘記歷史 珍愛和平》Kong Lingmin ,Russia, wrote “Remember History and Cherish Peace”in seal script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

鄧新江(中國) 草書 《永駐和平報吉祥 放飛夢想展歡顏》Deng Xinjiang , China, wrote “Staying in peace with happiness, flying the dream with smile”in cursive script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

石硯洗(中國) 國畫《行穩致遠》Shi Yanxi , China, traditional Chinese painting titled “Walking stably to reach far place”

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

盧德龍(中國) 行書《中國始終是世界和平的建設者》Lu Delong,China, wrote “China is Always the Builder of World Peace” in cursive handwriting。

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

葉欣(韓國) 隸書《愛的力量是和平》Ye Xin , Korea, wrote“The power of Love is Peace” inclerical script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

葉華洲(中國)楷書《親仁善鄰 協和萬邦》Ye Huazhou , China), wrote“Dear to Kind Neighbors and Harmonic with Nations” in regular script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

葉培榮(葡萄牙) 國畫《開豔蓋神州》Ye Peirong , Portugal, traditional Chinese painting titled “Blossom Covers China”

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

任 冉(中國)國畫 清代·鄭板橋《竹》Ren Ran, China, traditional Chinese painting titled ”Bamboo“ by Zheng Banqiao in Qing Dynasty

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

任憲生(中國)國畫《細雨巴山詩意濃》Ren Xiansheng, China, traditional Chinese painting titled”Ta-pa Mountains in Poetic Drizzle“

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

任慧文(中國澳門)國畫《和平友愛迎花季》Ren Huiwen, Macao, China, traditional Chinese Painting titled ”Meeting the Flower Season With Peace and Friendship“

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

劉樹德(巴西)篆書《和為貴》Liu Shude, Brazil, wrote“Harmony is precious” in seal script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

劉俊京(中國)楷書《珍愛和平 合作共贏》Liu Junjing ,China, wrote”Cherish Peace and Cooperate to Win-win“ in regular script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

江海濱(中國) 國畫 明代止庵法師《為順首座題畫》Jiang Haibin ,China, traditional Chinese painting titled“Painting for the Next Seat of Honour” by Master Zhiyan in Ming dynasty。

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

阮淵椿(印尼) 國畫《送瘟神》Ruan Yuanchun ,Indonesia, traditional Chinese painting titled ”Driving off the Disease Genie “

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

李冬霞(迪拜) 國畫《讓世界充滿愛》Li Dongxia, Dubai, traditional Chinese painting titled”Let the World be Full of Love“

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

李兆銀(美國) 行書 《和平》Li Zhaoyin,USA, wrote “Peace”in cursive handwriting

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

李國棟(泰國) 行書《愛與和平》Li Guodong ,Thailand, wrote“Love and Peace” in cursive handwriting

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

李秋平(中國澳門) 國畫《和諧盛世》Li Qiuping ,Macao, China, traditional Chinese painting titled ”Harmonious and Prosperous World“

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

楊開金(中國) 行書《四海和諧天地廣 五洲富庶日月新》Yang Kaijin , China wrote cursive handwriting ”Four Seas are Harmonious and World is Broad, Five continents are rich and the sun and Moon are Bright“

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

楊牧青(中國) 國畫《山川作證 和平永恆》Yang Muqing ,China, traditional Chinese painting titled”Mountains and Rivers Witness the Forever Peace “

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

吳永雄(中國) 行書《謳歌乾坤廣闊 讚美世界和平》Wu yongxiong ,China, wrote“Eulogizing the vast universe and praising world peace” in cursive handwriting

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

愛新覺羅啟年(中國)行書《愛和平》Aixinjueluo Qinian ,China, wrote“Love Peace” in cursive handwriting

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

張大順(日本) 甲骨文《和平友好 協力合作 共同發展 此乃聯合國宗旨》Zhang Dashun, (Japan), wrote“Peace and friendship, union and cooperation and common development are the purposes of the United Nations” in oracle script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

張守濤(中國) 篆書《太平世界 環球同此冷熱》Zhang Shoutao ,China, wrote “Peaceful world with common feeling”in seal script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

張松蓮(中國臺灣) 行書《止戰》Zhang Songlian ,Taiwan, China, wrote”Ending War“ in cursive handwriting

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

張寶彤(中國) 行書《博愛與和平》Zhang Baotong ,China, wrote“Fraternity and Peace” in cursive handwriting

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

張崔佰(美國) 國畫《紅鶴獻壽》Zhang Cuibai ,USA, traditional Chinese painting titled”Red crane for Longevity“

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

張道森(中國)國畫《志存高遠》Zhang Daosen,China, traditional Chinese painting titled ”High Aspirations“

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

陸惟華(比利時) 國畫《青山欲對高人言》Lu Weihua, Belgium, traditional Chinese painting titled”The green mountain wants to speak to a Master“

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

陳天壽(坦尚尼亞) 行書《聯合國維和》Chen Tianshou , Tanzania, wrote“UN peacekeeping” in cursive handwriting

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

陳志聲(中國臺灣) 篆書《保臺論壇》Chen Zhisheng, Taiwan, China, wrote”Baotai forum“ in seal script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

陳志雄(中國) 國畫《映日紅霞》Chen Zhixiong, China, traditional Chinese painting titled ”Red glow of the sun“

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

陳秉奎(法國)楷書《你好 聯合國》Chen Bingkui, France,wrote ”Hello United Nations“in regular script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

陳榮親(中國) 楷書《世界大同為義友 天下祥和無戰爭》Chen Rongqin, China, regular script ”Great Harmony in the world for good friends, peace in the world without war“

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

範淳奇(中國香港)隸書《身間詩曠逸 心靜夢和平》Fan Chunqi, Hong Kong, China, wrote”Poetry in the body, peace dream in the heart” in official script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

林伯墀 (澳大利亞) 國畫《千古淋漓君子魂》Lin Bolong, Australia, traditional Chinese painting titled“The soul of a gentleman through the ages”

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

金嶽祺(德國)楷書《林海七律》Jin Yueqi,Germany,wrote“Seven characters of forest sea” in regular script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

袁維學(中國) 篆書《四海和諧添錦繡 五洲富庶起祥雲》Yuan Weixue, China, wrote“Four Seas add splendor, auspicious clouds cover five continents” in seal script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

段昭南(美國) 國畫《火燒子都》Duan Zhaonan,USA, traditional Chinese painting titled “Set Zidu on Fire”

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

段曉帝(中國) 國畫《雄鷹展翅正時代》Duan Xiaodi,China), traditional Chinese paintingtitled “Just at the time of eagles spreading their wings”

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

晉鷗(日本) 篆書《大愛無疆》Jin Ou,Japan, wrote “Boundless love”in seal script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

唐柏飛(中國) 隸書《和平萬歲》Tang baifei, China, wrote“Long live the peace” in official script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

屠新時(美國) 行書《思九州之博大 橫四海以無穹》Tu Xinshi, USA, wrote “Think of the vastness of Kyushu, cross the world without dome”in cursive handwriting

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

韓天雍(中國) 篆書《家國情懷 珍愛和平》Han Tianyong , China, wrote“Homeland feelings and cherish peace” in seal script

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

蔡維敏(英國) 國畫《萬紫千紅頌和平》Cai Weimin‘s ,UK, traditional Chinese painting titled “Praising peace with thousands of colors”

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

潘傳賢(中國) 隸書 唐代·魏徽《五郊樂章·白帝商音》詩句五郊樂章·黃帝宮音Pan Chuanxian,China, wrote the poem titled“Five suburbs melody, commercial advice to Baidi” by Wei Hui in Tang Dynasty in official script。

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

潘錦玲(中國澳門) 國畫《和氣致祥》Pan Jinling ,Macao, China, traditional Chinese painting titled“Peace leads to Harmony”

​【NIHAO UN】“愛與和平”50位中外書畫家作品展

魏峰(中國)甲骨文《世界大同多義友 天下祥和無戰爭》Wei Feng ,China, wrote“The world is common with more friends and the world is peaceful without war” in oracle inscriptions