
如果把“Blue-eyed boy”翻譯成“藍色眼睛的男孩”,那就笑死咯

EYE Idioms: 25+ Useful Idioms with EYES in English 英語中25個有用的英語眼部語境習語

如果把“Blue-eyed boy”翻譯成“藍色眼睛的男孩”,那就笑死咯



Idioms in English with meaning and examples。 Learn more with list of commonly used face Idioms in English。 英語中有用的EYE成語,含義和例子。 透過英語常用的面部習語列表瞭解更多資訊。

Useful Idioms with EYES EYES有用的習語

A Sight for Sore Eyes 願見的人或物

Meeting: Someone that you’re pleased to see 你很高興看到的人

Example: I’m so glad to see you! You’re

a sight for sore eyes

。 我很高興見到你! 你是我願意見的人。

All Eyes And Ears 眼觀六路,耳聽八方

Meaning: Attentive 細心

Example: The team was

all eyes and ears

as the coach explained the challenges ahead。 當教練解釋未來的挑戰時,團隊全神貫注。

All Eyes Are On 成為全場的焦點

Meaning: Watching alertly or attentively。 警惕地或專心地看。

Example: After the candidate’s strong performance in the first debate,

all eyes are on

him to see if he will make a mistake this time。 候選人在第一次辯論中表現出色之後,所有的目光都集中在他身上,看他這次是否會犯錯。

An Eye for an Eye 以眼還眼;報復;以牙還牙;血洗紅花亭;一報還一報

Meeting: Justice in which reparation or vengeance exactly matches the harm caused to the victim 賠償或報復的正義與受害者的傷害完全相符

Example: Negotiations broke down, and the war devolved into an endless


cycle of revenge。 談判破裂,戰爭演變成一場無休止的復仇週期。

Catch Someone’s Eye


Meeting: Attract someone’s attention 引起別人的注意

Example: I was reading Internet classified ads, and an ad for an old Ford Mustang

caught my eye

。 我正在閱讀網際網路分類廣告和舊福特的廣告

Cry Your Eyes Out


Meeting: Cry hard for a very long time 哭很長一段時間

Example: After my boyfriend broke up with me, I

cried my eyes out

。 我男朋友和我分手後,我大哭了一場。

Keep an Eye On


Meeting: To keep an eye on something or someone is to watch it periodically, to keep it under surveillance。 對某物或某個人的監視就是週期性地對其進行監視。

Example: I’m leaving my son with you for the day。 Please

keep an eye on

him。 今天我要把兒子留給你。請照看一下他。

Keep an eye peeled


Meeting: Be observant; watch out for something 要觀察; 注意一些事情

Example: If you go to the mall,

keep an eye peeled

for Anita-”she said she’s be there。 如果你去商場,請留意Anita-“她說她會在那裡。

See Eye to Eye 看法一致

Meeting: To concur, agree 同意,同意

Example: I don’t

see eye to eye

with Frances on the workflow, but she’s the boss。 我和弗朗西斯在工作流程上意見不一致,但她是老闆。

See Something/somebody Out of the Corner of Your Eye


Meeting: Use peripheral vision 使用周邊視覺

Example: How did you know I was here? You didn’t even look up! — I saw

you out of the corner of my eye

。 你怎麼知道我在這裡?你連頭都沒抬!-我是用眼白越映角餘光看到你的。

To be the apple of someone’s eye


Meeting: To be loved and treasured by someone 被某人愛和珍惜

Example: You are

the apple of my eye

! 你是我的掌上明珠!

Turn a Blind Eye (to)

熟視無睹; 眼開眼閉; 睹而不見

Meeting: Choose not to notice something 選擇不注意某些事情

Example: My husband always supports me and is willing to turn a

blind eye to

my faults。 我的丈夫總是支援我,並願意對我的錯誤視而不見。

Wandering Eye


Meeting: A tendency to look at and desire women or men other than one’s committed romantic partner 除了對自己忠誠的戀人以外,更傾向於關注和渴望女人或男人

Example: I know Sean has a

wandering eye

, but I’m sure he’s never cheated on me。 我知道西恩目光遊離不定,但我確信他從未欺騙過我。

Black Eye


Meeting: A mark of shame 恥辱的標誌

Example: By overcharging customers, you not only gave the company a

black eye

– you broke the law。 向顧客收取過高的費用,不僅使公司蒙受損失,而且還觸犯了法律。

Blue Eyed Boy


Meeting: A person who is a favorite of those in authority; someone whose mistakes are forgiven。 受當權者喜愛的人;他的錯誤被原諒了。

Example: Steve is the supervisor’s

blue-eyed boy

。 He doesn’t really do that much work, but it doesn’t seem to matter。 史蒂夫是主管的寵兒。他並沒有做多少工作,但這似乎無關緊要。

Baby Blues


Meaning: Blue eyes。

Example: I know Jason is bad for me, but when I get a look at his

baby blues

I can’t resist him。

Useful EYE Idioms in English | Image

如果把“Blue-eyed boy”翻譯成“藍色眼睛的男孩”,那就笑死咯